Monday, March 28, 2011

Metabolism Miracle: Starting Step 2

Deciding to try out the Metabolism Miracle was a big leap of faith for me. In some ways, it represented a return to dieting or some sort of admission that intuitive eating didn’t work. However, when I took a step back from those fears, I was able to see it for what it was: just some good info about how to even out my blood sugar to curb not only my food cravings and halt/reverse runaway weight gain, but also my rollercoaster mood swings. I knew that something had to be out of whack. When I read MM, I realized this was it. My insulin was off. Simple as that! I was missing a crucial piece of the puzzle. It wasn’t that I was stuffing my face all the time (which I knew I wasn’t), it was how my body was reacting to the type of food I was eating and when I was eating it. Light bulb!

I was afraid that Step 1 of MM was going to feel too much like a diet. I didn’t want to return to the mentality of deprivation that came along with many such “plans” in the past. That did not manifest at all during the 8 week period. It just felt great to be fueling my body with what made it feel good. I kept a positive spin on how I viewed my choices: now that I had the information I had been lacking, I could choose not only on the basis of taste, but on how my body responds to each food. Why would I want to eat something that made me feel bad? Having this knowledge gave my inner intuitive eater a boost. I knew before that I wasn’t feeling right eating what I was eating; I just wasn’t sure how to fix it. I tried gluten free; I tried cutting out the caffeine. I just didn’t know what the deal was. I had an inkling that carbs might be the problem, but I thought people who cut them out completely were unrealistic and setting themselves up for failure. Therefore, I ignored my intuitive sense and kept going.

Until I stumbled on MM. Suddenly, it all made sense and came together in a way that seemed not only livable but if it worked, would greatly improve my quality of life. I still don’t believe that I could live my whole life avoiding almost all carbs. I am so happy to know that isn’t even necessary. Carbs are delicious and are a great source of fuel for the body. So now, moving on to Step 2, it is great to know that they are back. Having a serving of carbs every few hours throughout the day will help me keep my blood sugar steady while allowing me to enjoy a wider variety of foods. I have always “needed” to eat every few hours, getting cranky if I went over 4 hours between meals or snacks. Now I know why that happened and how to prevent it: eat! Some people trying to eat this way are worried about watching the clock. I have no such concerns. I have always felt the need to eat like this, I just now know to keep the carbs to one serving at each meal/snack and to keep the type of carbs on the lower end of the glycemic index (think whole grain as opposed to white versions of most foods). The piece about eating right when you get up and right before bed blew me away at first, but now makes perfect sense. How nice to have your bedtime snack “mandated”!

So as of right now, having completed 8 weeks of Step 1 and moving on to Step 2, I feel fantastic. I cannot help but be pleased to have let go of 16 pounds of unneeded insulation and four inches around my middle :) I’m not on a lose weight quick scheme. I’m on a help my body return to its natural balance plan. I do expect to release more weight on this journey. I know I’m carrying more than my body needs to function optimally. But how much that may be or when it will happen, is not my main concern. I have faith that I will know when that point is for me. And then, I’ll move to Step 3…


Anonymous said...

WOW! is the only appropriate words. You are a true


Thanks, Mom! I hope it is going well for you so far and that you’re still feeling good. It’s a big change but such a worthwhile one, for sure. Love ya!

MJ said...

That's great, Amelia! I do believe that you're on a great path. Whole foods are the best!!

Anonymous said...

What a great blog. Please keep us updated about your journey on The Metabolism Miracle. I have started it and love it.